Map Gallery

The Map Gallery links to maps of Minnesota from many different organizations. Maps can be finished, designed for immediate viewing or downloading, or interactive online maps, where users choose what to display from a list of available themes. Some maps appear in more than one category.
Featured maps
- Official Minnesota State Highway Map
- Minnesota Cities, Townships, Counties: State reference map
- Minnesota Natural Resource Atlas (interactive): Online mapping tools and data for natural resource planning, management, and research
- MN Mapper (interactive): Create and print a simple state map with your choice of county boundaries, county seats, highways, major lakes and rivers, and Indian reservation boundaries.
- U.S. National Grid: Reference maps showing hospitals, schools, fire and police stations, air photos, roads and boundaries
- Original Public Land Survey plats: Historic Minnesota township plat maps
- Twin Cities Maps
For more detailed maps of local areas, check
city, county, township, and other local government websites and
tribal government websites.
Choose a Map Category
Administrative and Political Boundaries
| Land Ownership
| Geodetic
| Demographics
| Business and Economics
| Health | Recreation and Tourism
| Agriculture
Biology and Ecology
| Environmental Monitoring
| Land Use and Cover
| Water
| Climatology
| Geology and Soils
| Elevation
| Imagery and Photographs
| Basemaps, Scanned Maps and Charts
| Transportation
| Utilities and Communication
Administrative and Political Boundaries
Multiple themes
- MN Mapper (interactive): County boundaries, county seats, highways, major lakes and rivers, and Indian reservation boundaries.
- Statewide reference maps: Legislative, election, population, school district, area code, zip code, county
- Minnesota Cities, Townships, Counties: State reference map
- American Fact Finder (interactive): Census geography
- U.S. Census Bureau reference and thematic maps: Census geography and county outlines
- Cities, political townships, and public land survey townships
- Counties
- Federal lands and Indian reservations
- Forests
- Legislative districts
- Metropolitan Council districts
- Parks
- Regional Development Organizations
- School districts
- By district
- Statewide and interactive
- Statewide (including versions for a number of earlier school years)
- Voting precincts
- Water-related districts (more
- Soil and water conservation districts
- Watershed districts
- Watershed districts and management organizations in the Twin Cities metro area
- ZIP codes
Statewide with legislative districts, counties, cities and
Statewide with legislative districts, counties, cities and
Land Ownership (Cadastral)
- Original Public Land Survey plats: Historic Minnesota township plat maps collected during the original Public Land Survey.
- Public Land Survey township boundaries
Parcel information: Find land ownership parcel maps and plat books created by local governments and private companies.
Geodetic Networks and Control Points
Geodetic Database maps: Locations of survey monuments
- Census Atlas of the United States
- American Fact Finder (interactive):U.S. Census Bureau online mapping
- Demographic maps and visualizations
- Population distribution 2010: Minnesota
Population distribution 2010: Twin Cities Metropolitan Area
- Population change 2000 - 2010: choropleth (shaded) and dot map
- Population maps: Change, density and minority population maps from Legislative Geographic Information Services
- Population maps (interactive): U.S. Census Bureau
Census Reporter
(interactive): Make your own maps and charts using Census data
Business and Economics
Human Health and Disease
- Minnesota Environmental Public Health Tracking (some topics have maps)
- County health rankings
- Lyme and other tick-borne disease areas of highest risk
West Nile virus maps and statistics
Recreation and Tourism
- DNR map list: Canoeing, fishing, hunting, trails, parks and forests
- Explore Minnesota tourist destination maps: Scenic byways and others
Minnesota's Bookstore: Bicycling, hiking, fishing
Agriculture and Farming
- Agricultural climate
- Cropscape (interactive)
- Crop acreage and yield: U.S. charts and maps for selected commodities
- Incident Response Mapping (Agricultural Chemical Spills) (interactive)
Plant hardiness zones
Biology and Ecology
- Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation: U.S. species occurrence maps and data
- Bird distribution maps
- Amphibian and reptile distribution maps
- Rare species: Each species page has a map of sightings by county
Native plant community and rare species county maps,
including 2011 map of Minnesota's remaining native prairie
Environmental Monitoring and Modeling
- Air quality monitoring and emissions (interactive)
- Enviromapper (interactive)
- Incident Response Mapping (Agricultural Chemical Spills) (interactive)
Watershed monitoring and conditions
Land Use and Cover
- Statewide
- County
- Twin Cities metropolitan area
Water Resources
- Minnesota Well Index Online (interactive)
- Ground water provinces
- StreamStats (interactive)
- Lake Finder
- National Hydrography Dataset (NHD): Rivers and lakes (interactive)
National Wetland Inventory
- Wetland Finder (interactive), Minnesota
- Wetlands Mapper (interactive), national
- Public Waters Inventory (PWI)
Watersheds: Hydrologic units
Watershed Assessment Tool (interactive maps and finished mapbooks)
Watershed Assessment Tool (interactive maps and finished mapbooks)
Climatology and Meteorology
- Climate
Localized Flood Map Screening and Extreme Heat Map
(interactive) Twin Cities metro
Geology and Soils
- Aggregate resource mapping: Sand and gravel resources
- County Geologic Atlases and Regional Hydrogeologic Assessments
- Minnesota Well Index Online (interactive)
- Minnesota Geological Survey
- Map collections
- Online maps (some interactive)
- National Geologic Map Database
- Geologic Map of U.S.
- Mineral Industries of Minnesota
Web Soil Survey (interactive): soil maps and reports
Imagery and Photographs
- Landview: Statewide, regional and historic air photos
AVHRR satellite images,
Basemaps, Scanned Maps and Charts
- Simple reference maps
- MN Mapper (interactive): County boundaries, county seats, highways, major lakes and rivers, and Indian reservation boundaries
- Topographic maps
- ToMO (Tons of Maps Online): View online
- Minnesota Geological Survey: Order paper copies
- USGS Store: View online and order paper copies
- Mn/DOT highway maps
- The Official Minnesota State Highway map
- County, city and Twin Cities metropolitan area: Color
- County: Black-and-white
- Historic
- Historic atlases and maps: Minnesota Historical Society collection
- Panoramic maps 1847-1929: Selected Minnesota cities (choose "Browse by Geographic Location")
- 1895 Rand McNally Atlas of the World: Minnesota map, details
zone boundaries: UTM, State Plane, and county coordinate projections
- Mn/DOT highway maps
- The Official Minnesota State Highway map
- County, city and Twin Cities metropolitan area: Color
- County: Black-and-white
- Right of way (interactive)
- Traffic and road conditions: Real-time and video camera
- Traffic volume and forecasts
- Twin Cities Metro Area Transit System Map
- Twin Cities transportation-related maps
- Railroad maps: 1917 and 1930 state maps; information on project to convert right-of-way and valuation maps
- Bicycle maps:
State trails
Utilities and Communication
- Electric Transmission lines and substations, 60 kV or greater (download "Printable Map" PDF)
- Electric Utility Service Areas (interactive)
- Area codes
- Broadband inventory and speed
- Telephone exchange service areas (interactive)
Wind speed
Have a suggestion for a map to add to this list? Please let us know!
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