Standards Committee

The Standards Committee of the Minnesota Geospatial Advisory Council helps coordinate strategies for integrating geospatial data and business processes across all levels of government. It advises the state geospatial community about relevant standards issues and facilitates the creation and adoption of such standards within Minnesota. It serves as a liaison to federal government standards initiatives. It also advises the state geospatial community on opportunities for shared geospatial architecture within Minnesota.
Geospatial Standards
Committee Leadership, Charter, Accomplishments, Work Plan
Chair: Mark Kotz, Metropolitan Council - Retired, markjkotz@gmail.comVice Chair: Curt Carlson, MnGeo, 651-201-2497,
Committee Meeting Minutes
See the Committee Reports webpage (for FY2007 see the Geospatial Architecture Committee, the former name for the Standards Committee) for activities from 2006 - May 2009.
Minnesota State GIS Enterprise Conceptual Architecture Design, March 2005. This document defines a high-level architecture for information technology and web-mapping interoperability in support of the goals outlined in the state’s strategic plan for GIS: the Minnesota Spatial Data Infrastructure. The structural design proposed would promote interoperability among GIS data and application providers, increasing efficiencies and reducing long-term costs in data resource and software application development.
- The Case for a Minnesota State GIS Enterprise, September 2006. A non-technical introduction to the Conceptual Architecture Design document, including an example of the benefits that such an architecture would provide.
- The Case for a Minnesota State GIS Enterprise, September 2006. A non-technical introduction to the Conceptual Architecture Design document, including an example of the benefits that such an architecture would provide.
Positional accuracy handbook: using the national standard for spatial data accuracy to measure and report geographic data quality, October 1999.
- Starting
points: conventions for geographic information, September 1996. Catalogs more than 55 publicly developed specifications and procedures for geographic information systems.
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