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County/Regional Geology Data for Minnesota

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This webpage covers geologic data and maps for Minnesota that are generally 1:100,000 to 1:200,000 in scale and that are smaller than the state in extent.

County Geologic Atlas  &  Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment

The County Geologic Atlases and Regional Hydrogeologic Assessments are available for a number of counties. They are interrelated so are described together.

County Geologic Atlas:  A systematic study of a county's geologic and ground water resources. Geologic studies include both near-surface deposits and bedrock. Ground water studies include flow systems, aquifer capacity, ground water chemistry, and sensitivity of the ground water to pollution. In some areas sand and gravel deposits, sinkholes, or other features are studied. The atlases are generally 1:100,000-scale.

Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment:  This is similar to a County Geologic Atlas in that both geology and ground water are studied. However, an assessment covers a larger area, typically four to nine counties, in less detail. It emphasizes near-surface geologic, ground water, and pollution sensitivity mapping. The assessments are generally 1:200,000-scale.

Most atlas and assessment projects are done in two parts which are published and distributed as two separate products:


   Part A
  • Program overview and status map
    Provides links to GIS data and finished maps covering surficial geology, stratigraphy, bedrock topography, depth-to-bedrock, subsurface geology and mineral resources.
   Part B


Aggregate Resources

Information on the location and the quality of aggregate resources (sand, gravel and crushed stone).


Karst is an efficiently drained landscape that forms on soluble rock, typified by caves, sinkholes and other landforms. It is mainly, but not exclusively, formed on limestone. In Minnesota, karst is generally found in the southeastern area and in Pine County.

Karst data is often included in County Geologic Atlases and Regional Hydrogeologic Assessments (covered above); however, the following websites focus on karst.



Twin Cities Metro

Minnesota Geological Survey

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