1990 Ancestry maps
Ancestry can refer to either a person's ethnic origins or descent, "roots", or heritage or the place of birth of a person or that person's ancestors.
These maps are based on data from the 1990 Census. They show an estimate of how many people of a certain ancestry will live in each of Minnesota's cities and townships (MCDs) and in each county in the United States. These maps are intended to give the viewer some idea of the location, concentration, and historical settlement patterns of some of the largest ancestry groups in Minnesota and the United States.
Each of the maps in this library varies in size from 15 K to 33 K.
Ancestry Groups in Minnesota
These maps show how many people in each city or township (MCD) in Minnesota identify with certain ancestry groups per 1,000 persons living in that city or township.
Ancestry Groups in the United States
These maps show how many people per county nation wide identify with certain ancestry groups per 1,000 persons living in that county
The data used to create these maps comes from questionnaire item 13, which asks respondents to identify the ancestry groups with which they identified most closely. All data comes from respondents who reported a single ancestry (although multiple responses were accepted for this question). Some multiple responses (such as French Canadian or Scotch-Irish) are treated as a single response, reflecting their status as a unique ancestry group.
- Data Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1990
- Maps Created by: Land Management Information Center. Datanet