- Mission: The Lidar-derived Hydrography Subgroup (LDH) of the 3DGeo Hydrogeomorphology Workgroup is a team of hydrography data stewards, developers, managers, and users united as a 3DGeo community of practice that works to bring next generation hydrography, developed from lidar technology, to Minnesota.
- Workplan: In development
- LDH is next generation 3D digital surface hydrography that is sourced from and aligned with digital elevation data derived from Minnesota's 3DEP certified quality level-1 lidar (QL1).
- LDH digital water features represent landforms on earth's surface that convey and/or contain water from earth's hydrological cycle.
- Using QL1 lidar, a highly accurate single source technology collected within a period of 5-years under the same specifications, brings geospatial harmonization to Minnesota's second-generation of authoritative hydrography data holdings.
- U.S. Geological Survey 3DHP
- The federal 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) exists alongside the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) under the 3D National Terrain Model (3DNTM).
- 3DHP is completely rebuilding the nation's spatial data representing waterbodies and watersheds managed under the National Hydrography Datasets (NHD) as WBD and NHD.
- The 3DGeo LDH Subgroup represents Minnesota at the federal level in USGS 3DHP and related NSGIC meetings. This engagement and outreach ensures LDH efforts in Minnesota parallel nationwide specifications and modern geospatial hydrography development.
- Through partnership building and collaborative funding, the LDH Subgroup will use the federal 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) as a vehicle of support for creating Minnesota's second-generation hydrography (2ndGen Hydro) derived from lidar.
- 3D Geomatics Committee
- With leadership from the 3D Geomatics Hydrogeomorphology Workgroup (HydroGeo) and subject matter experts from the digital hydrography and lidar sectors, the collaboration of this team will serve as the hub for Minnesota's lidar-derived hydrography.
- The MN DNR Geospatial Water Resources Team (GeoWRT) will serve as DNR's internal collaboration platform for MN LDH. DNR GeoWRT data stewards will provide subject matter expertise and guidance to the LDH Subgroup.
- Some members of DNR GeoWRT will serve on the 3DGeo LDH Subgroup.
- Sean Vaughn, Lidar Data Steward, MNIT DNR, 763-284-7223, sean.vaughn@state.mn.us
- Jamie Schulz, Streams Data Steward, MNIT DNR, 507-206-2830, jamie.schulz@state.mn.us
- Rick Moore, Lidar Data Steward, MNIT DNR, 507-389-8810, rick.moore@state.mn.us
Lidar-derived Hydrography Subgroup
A Subgroup of the 3DGeo Hydrogeomorphology Workgroup
Mission and Work Plan
What is Lidar-derived Hydrography (LDH)
LDH Subgroup Relationships and Roles
Subgroup Membership
- If you are interested in becoming a member of this subgroup contact one of the Co-Chairs listed below.
- Mn3D-Hydro
- Mn3D-Hydro refers to Minnesota 3D-Hydrography, an initiative led by a chartered community of practice to bring next generation hydrography to Minnesota
- 3D Lidar-derived Hydrography (LDH)
- This is the product that will be created from the Mn3D-Hydro initiative
- Minnesota's next generation of hydrography data developed from Minnesota's 3DEP certified, second-generation lidar data
- 3DHP
- 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP)
- 3DHP is a federal initiative updating NHD and WBD under one program to bring consistent elevation-derived hydrography to the nation
- 3DHP will be a vehicle for Mn3D-Hydro to build federal, state, and local partnerships and bring funding to Minnesota's initiative
Terminology & Acronyms
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