Aerial Photography of Minnesota: 2013

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency
Digital aerial photography was collected for the entire State of Minnesota
during Summer and Fall 2013, as part of the Farm Service Agency's National Agriculture Imagery Program
- Statewide; 1-meter resolution
- Digital with four bands: red, green, blue, color infrared
- Orthorectification using ground control (absolute accuracy)
Photo dates: A seamline shapefile accompanying each county mosaic documents the date the photo was flown
along with other technical details
- County seamline shapefiles in UTM Zone 15 coordinates (all 87 county seamline shapefiles can be downloaded as one zipped file)
- Statewide seamline shapefile in GCS NAD83 (latitude/longitude) coordinates
- Documentation
MnGeo's WMS service:
View without downloading (free); includes natural color and color infrared (CIR)
NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway: Provides step-by-step instructions to download
the natural color county mosaics (free)
FSA's Aerial Photography Field Office: Order
imagery on physical media such as DVD, flash drive, or hard drive; color
infrared imagery is only available as quarter-quadrangle tiles, not as
county mosaics
- Ordering process
- Order form
price list
for ordering imagery, including contact info if you have questions
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