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Aerial Photography of Minnesota: 2008

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency

Digital aerial photography was collected for the entire State of Minnesota during Summer 2008, as part of the Farm Service Agency's National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). The imagery has the following specifications:

Click on the buttons below for information on how to view and download the 2008 FSA NAIP air photos and for Program Details including imagery acquisition dates.

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Program Details


Two-thirds of the $1.3 million cost of the 2008 Minnesota NAIP project was covered by federal agencies.

One-third of the cost was provided by the following Minnesota state agencies:

In addition to financial contributions, the Minnesota Department of Transportation supervised ground control target placement -- during Spring 2008, MnDOT and 70 counties that partnered in the project placed over 500 targets around the state. These targets are being used to measure the positional accuracy of the NAIP 2008 aerial imagery across the state.

The Office of Enterprise Technology and MnGeo provided in-kind contributions of financial and project management, respectively.

Project Contacts

Project contact

Minnesota Geospatial Information Office

Ground control target effort contact

Pete Jenkins
Minnesota Department of Transportation

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