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NAIP 2004 Aerial Photography, Minnesota: MrSID County Files, Interim Version

From links in the table below, download selected county mosaics of NAIP 2004, Interim (National Agricultural Imagery Program) aerial photography in MrSID format. The mosaics were created for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency compliance program.

Replacement files are available for counties with areas not flown in 2003; these areas are being filled with 2004 imagery. As of 1/6/06, available counties are: Brown, Carlton, Cottonwood, Itasca north, Redwood and St. Louis. Download from NAIP2003-04 webpage.

For interim 2004 files on this webpage, MnGeo has only those counties that contain areas that could not be flown in 2003. See a list or map of the missing areas. All other 2004 interim county files must still be ordered from FSA. Note that these files may not include all of the area within a county, and they may not include all of the areas that were not flown in 2003. The final county file versions should be more complete.

Interim product

All of the 2004 MrSID county files on this page are an interim version. They are 2-meter resolution, so they will not be as detailed as the one-meter resolution photos available for 2003 (on the plus side, the files are much smaller). To compare, click on the example photos below, each showing the same area of rapids along the St. Louis River in Carlton County (note that the color balance was also different for the different years).

2-meter image (2004) 1-meter image (2003)

For more information, see:

Download county mosaics

Each link points to a zip file that covers one county. The naming convention for the download file is:  "naip04_interim_county" (for example, Carlton County is "").

Unzip the download file to extract the following files:

Not sure which county your city or township is in? Use our city/county search page to find out.

County Name


Download File Size
(in megabytes)

UTM Zone
  Aitkin Interim 102.0 15
  Brown Interim 35.7 15
  Carlton Interim 50.9 15
  Clay Interim 50.7 14
  Cook (partial) Interim 32.7 15
  Cottonwood Interim 30.0 15
  Itasca (partial) Interim 138.0 15
  Jackson Interim 28.0 15
  Kanabec Interim  34.3 15
  Lake (partial) Interim 37.5 15
  Mille Lacs Interim 47.1 15
  Morrison Interim 65.0 15
  Redwood Interim 44.5 15
  Renville Interim 49.7 15
  St. Louis (partial) Interim 171.4 15
  Watonwan Interim 21.2 15


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