NAIP 2002 Aerial Photography: MrSID County Files

From links in the table below, download county mosaics of NAIP 2002 (National Agricultural
Imagery Program) aerial photography for 28
counties in southern Minnesota. These MrSID format mosaics were created by
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm
Service Agency.
Download county mosaics
Each link points to a self-extracting zip (.EXE) file. After downloading, double-click the .exe file from Windows Explorer or File Manager. The following files will automatically be extracted:
- Data files: the image in MrSID format (.sid extension) and its
accompanying header file (.sdw extension).
Naming conventions:- Each file is named "fsa_countyname_mosaic_2002".
For example, the image file covering Brown County is named "fsa_brown_mosaic_2002.sid" and its accompanying header file is named "fsa_brown_mosaic_2002.sdw". - When
more than one file is needed to cover a county, the "countyname" part of the
filename is followed by a letter (n = north, s = south, ne = northeast; nw =
For example, the image file covering Blue Earth County is named "fsa_blue-earth_n_mosaic_2002.sid" and its accompanying header file is named "fsa_blue-earth_n_mosaic_2002.sdw".
- Each file is named "fsa_countyname_mosaic_2002".
- Metadata: documentation for the data set. Two records are included:
- naip02.html: This record applies to the entire NAIP 2002 data set.
- fsa_countyname_mosaic_2002.sid.xml: This record applies to a
specific mosaic file. For example, the "fsa_cottonwood_s_mosaic_2002.sid.xml"
file contains bounding box coordinates, UTM Zone and photo dates that apply to
the Cottonwood County south file, rather than to the whole NAIP 2002 data set.
County Name |
Download File Size |
Photo Dates (2002) |
UTM Zone |
213 162 |
6/29-7/29 | 15 | |
328 | 6/29-7/1 | 15 | |
190 176 |
6/29-7/1 | 15 | |
341 | 7/13-8/9 | 15 | |
226 | 7/13-8/9 | 15 | |
324 | 6/29-8/8 | 15 | |
384 | 7/30-8/11 | 15 | |
178 178 |
7/13-8/8 | 15 | |
398 | 7/28-8/11 | 15 | |
277 | 7/30-8/9 | 15 | |
187 188 |
6/9-7/1 | 15 | |
244 | 7/13-7/28 | 15 | |
201 203 |
6/28-6/29 | 15 | |
169 172 |
6/29-7/1 | 15 | |
156 154 |
7/30 | 15 | |
242 187 |
6/28-7/1 | 15 | |
155 145 |
6/29-7/28 | 15 | |
166 154 |
6/28-7/1 | 15 | |
334 | 7/28-8/11 | 15 | |
109 157 |
6/28 | 14 | |
141 137 195 |
6/29-7/1 | 15 | |
249 | 7/13-8/9 | 15 | |
246 | 6/28 | 14 | |
248 | 7/13-8/9 | 15 | |
308 | 7/28-8/11 | 15 | |
263 | 7/13-8/2 | 15 | |
249 | 6/29 | 15 | |
405 | 8/8-8/11 | 15 |