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Minnesota Air Photos - FSA, USDA: 2003-04

Through the National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP), the Farm Service Agency collects color imagery used to monitor U.S. Department of Agriculture farm programs. Other organizations and citizens use NAIP photos for countless other applications.

2003-04 NAIP orthophotos

Most of Minnesota was flown in Summer 2003 at 1-meter resolution. Some parts of the state, primarily areas in Lake and Cook counties in the northeast, could not be photographed in 2003 due to poor weather conditions or other factors; these areas were filled using 2004 imagery. See a list or map of the areas filled with 2004 imagery, and see data set documentation.

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Order Original GeoTIFF Files

FSA's Aerial Photography Field Office distributes the original uncompressed GeoTIFF quarter-quadrangle files. Each GeoTIFF file is in its native UTM Zone (14, 15 or 16). Note: each GeoTIFF quarter-quad is approximately 140 megabytes in size, bringing the total size for Minnesota's NAIP2003 photos to nearly a terabyte.

For more information or to place an order, see APFO's NAIP ordering page.


The 2003 imagery is available thanks to an agreement, coordinated by LMIC (now MnGeo) and funded by the Minnesota Departments of Transportation, Natural Resources and the Pollution Control Agency, that leveraged $250,000 in state funds to acquire orthophotos that cost almost $2 million to produce. FSA, which normally obtains photos only for agricultural areas, also received contributions from the U.S. Forest Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service to extend flight coverage to the entire state.

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