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2003 Governor's Commendations

Governor Pawlenty presented this year's Minnesota Governor's Commendation awards for GIS at the GIS/LIS Conference in St. Paul, October 10, 2003.

The winners were:

Three individuals and their organizations were recognized for their roles in developing the Atlas:

Macalester College, Department of Geography
Carol Gersmehl, Geography Instructor at Macalester College, served as curriculum adviser to the Atlas project. The cornerstone of  the Atlas is linking data to lessons that teachers can use. She coordinated teacher workshops and reviewed lessons. Working with a team of Macalester honors students, she guided the development of data descriptions, lessons and tutorials.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Forestry Division
Dr. Tom Eiber is an original member of the EPIC/Atlas consortium that has long supported the development of effective and efficient tools for applications in the field. Tom has been a driving force developing resource data for the Atlas and sharing the information among all agencies.

Land Management Information Center, Minnesota Department of Administration
Jim Ramstrom, supervisor of the center’s EPIC development team, developed the vision for the Atlas, secured grant funding and provided data development, technical design and programming for the Atlas.



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