The Public Land Survey System is a coordinate-based system that
organizes land into a strict grid pattern. Public Land Survey
Townships (as opposed to political townships) form the basic unit of
land division, and measure six miles square. Each township is
comprised of 36 sections, and each section has an area of one square
mile (640 acres).

Public Land Survey Townships are named systematically by the
township and range numbering system. This system is based on
the location of an initial point. Initial points occur at the
intersection of a principal meridian and a base line. Each
township is named by a township number, which indicates its
north-south position of the base line, and a range number, which
indicates its east-west position of the principal meridian.

In Minnesota, township numbers east of the Mississippi indicate
position north of the Galena Base Line. Township numbers west
of the river indicate position north of the Clarendon Base Line.
Range numbers indicate position east or west of the 4th
Principal Meridian, or west of the 5th Principal
Meridian. |

Public Land Survey Townships are subdivided into 36 sections,
each section being approximately 1 mile by 1 mile in dimension. Section
corners and section-quarter corners were marked by posts or other
monuments. Sections are numbered from 1 to 36 and are labeled in a
switchback pattern. |
Each section can be divided into four quarters: NW, NE, SW, and SE.
Each quarter is 160 acres, and these areas too can be subdivided
into NW, NE, SW, and SE quarters |
For land located at T43N R20W S6 SW1/4:
Township = 43 North of the Base Line, Range = 20 West of the Principal
Meridian, Section = 6,
and the land constitutes the section’s southwest