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GLO Historic Plat Map

Retrieval System

1 file found.
Township Range Litoral Principal Meridian Plat Type Scan Side MHS Plat ID Survey Date View Plat Download Plat Georeferenced Plat Bureau of Land Management
56 25 West 4 Independent Front MHS0990 1869 resampled pdf pdf zip geojpg zip Field Notes

 If the Download field is blank, that image is currently not available.


File Preview:

Preview each PLS Plat map image before downloading to your computer by choosing the "Resampled PDF" link under the View column in the table above. By previewing the file, you are looking at a smaller, lower resolution version of the downloadable digital plat map image

File Download:

Files available through the "Download" column in the table above are large files (average size = 7 MB). Please view each file before downloading using the "File Preview" instructions above.

When you begin the download process, you will be prompted to save or open the file - CHOOSE SAVE - NOT OPEN and save the file to a space on your computer that you will remember. Note that if your connection to the website is interrupted during the download, you will need to try again and the browser will start back at the beginning of the download.

Each township's map file has been bundled as described below into a zipped (.zip) file containing:

  • Map file: a PDF file of approximately 7 MBs. Each map covers a township in Minnesota. When printed this maps are approximately 20x22 inches. The file can be saved on a transferable media (ex. - CD-Rom or USB memory stick) and taken to a commercial printing shop for full size printing.
  • Metadata: documentation about the map collection.
  • NOTICE.TXT: a disclaimer.
  • Image_naming.PDF: a PDF file describing the naming convention used for the plat map image collection.

Once you have the .zip file saved onto your computer, you will need to unzip it to view the individual files. If you are unfamiliar with opening zipped (.zip) files, please refer to the "Requirements" section below.


PDF Files: Both digital Public Survey Plat Map types (resampled PDF and full download) available from this site are delivered in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. A free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader is available on the Internet at:

Zip Files: These files have been compressed by a compression program. Two producers of popular compression software programs are Stuffit and Pkzip / Winzip. If either of these programs is not currently installed on your computer, free decompression software is readily available on the internet: