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Minnesota Geospatial Image Service: ArcMap instructions

Step-by-step instructions for connecting to MnGeo's Geospatial Image Service using Esri's ArcGIS software.

Adding the Service to ArcMap the first time

  1. Open ArcMap and click on 'Add Data'
  2. Look in the Catalog, and click on 'GIS Servers'
  3. Highlight 'Add WMS Server' so that it appears in the Name window, and hit 'Add'. An 'Add WMS Server' window will pop up.
  4. To bring up the Imagery service, type '' in the URL window (do not include the quote marks). You can click on the 'Get Layers' button to see a list of the layers available under the wms. Click 'OK'.
  5. To bring up the Scanned DRG service, type '' in the URL window (do not include the quote marks). You can click on the 'Get Layers' button to see a list of the layers available under the wms. Click 'OK'.
  6. Now when you look under 'GIS Servers' you have two new entries:  'MnGeo WMS service (aerial photography) on'   and   'MnGeo WMS service (quad sheet drgs) on'
  7. Still in the 'Add Data' window under 'GIS Servers', highlight one of the services listed under #6 to bring it into the 'Name' window, then click on 'Add'. The service, with all of its layers, has now been added to your ArcMap project.
  8. Click on the '+' to open the map service and get on the layers; check them on and off as needed. Click on '-' to close.

Updating the connection

If you have already added MnGeo's Geospatial Image Service to ArcMap, and MnGeo has added new data layers since then, in versions earlier than 9.3 you may need to refresh the connection in order to see the new layers.

  1. Open ArcCatalog
  2. In the catalog tree, browse to find 'GIS Servers'
  3. Expand the list to show the GIS Server names
  4. Right-click on 'MnGeo WMS service (aerial photography) on' and choose 'Refresh'


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